Thursday, March 14, 2013

The Gatorade Conspiracy: Freudian analysis of Gatorade

The biggest problem I have with Freud is the importance he places on the phallus. He assumes that everyone needs to have some sort of a phallus. This is very androcentric, emphasizing maleness as power. This leads into fetishes where "the fetish is a substitute for the penis"(Norton, 842). If you buy into this, then you start seeing penises everywhere. The gatorade bottle is a good example of this. It would make sense to put sexual imagery onto packaging to sell more, but I think that if you see every object as sexual, that leads to a very distracted life.


  1. Derek,
    Not to mention the Gatorade logo, the label, and how it's sold on commercials. Kind of weirdly fetishistic, I'd say.

  2. I'm going to side with Freud here. That bottle is a giant super-wide penis. For sure.
    Now I'm not the biggest freudian but the male-ness of Gatorade advertising isn't a secret, just like sexual marketing in AXE commercials isn't a secret either. The point is, whether or not you take Freud as totally right or not there's a way that our current culture (and perhaps historically this is true also) is pretty psycho-sexually active. And we largely operate and advertise accordingly.

    I don't buy into Freuds literal emphasis on the phallus, though I do more so accept the abstraction. The point is our culture has, and so to some degree it becomes true.

  3. This is very interesting! I think that Freud would certainly see the Gatorade bottle as a phallic symbol. I have thought about this is regards to a Gatorade bottle. Gatorade is associated with an image of strength, athleticism, and the commercials generally involve males. If Gatorade intentionally or subconciously shaped their bottles this way, it would make sense since it furthers the image that Gatorade wants to project.
