Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The (sort of) Reality of Theme Parks

So, the only theme park I've ever been to is Wild Waves, which is really just a collection of rides and has no identifiable theme other than 'water', although not all of the rides are water, so that isn't really accurate, either.

If we're going to talk about the hyperreal in the context of theme parks, how does that work? Using the examples of Disneyland/world, the Wizarding World of Harry Potter (more commonly referred to as "Harry Potter Land") or other themes, how does the park create its supposed hyperreality?

These parks operate under the assumption that they will be accepted by the public as real, especially children. Given the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, (though I have not been to any of these parks, I am by far the most familiar with the Wizarding World) we can look  at how the park is advertised.Click here to visit the park's webpage

The park is clearly not real. Adults and children of all ages alike are aware of this. Hogwarts is located in Scotland, and even if you don't know this, you know it's somewhere not in Florida. The only people who might be fooled by this are age four and under. Yet, adults and children do not act like the Wizarding World is in any way unreal. They participate in the world, interacting with the workers, asking questions in British accents, and immersing themselves fully into the fake reality around them. I guess what I'm trying to get at here is that, although there is a knowledge of the fakeness of parks like this, there is also the initial acceptance upon entering that, while within the park, it is reality. And, in a sense, it is more real than the reality outside.

A theme park would not be able to operate under the assumption that nothing within is real. Instead, there is acceptance - for a day, a weekend, or even a whole week - that, even just for now, this is what reality is. In contrast to Baudrillard, this begins to make the real world seem less all-encompassing, less interactive, and ultimately less real.

1 comment:

  1. Joanna,

    I think that Baudrilliard would be amused by how angry you are. Of course, it's not real. It's hyper-real.
