Thursday, May 16, 2013

Can We Think of Movies The Same Way After This Class

Recently I went to see Iron Man 3 and while watching the movie I found myself thinking about Horkheimer and Adorno. There was nothing novel or unexpected. It followed the typical plot of the super hero movies that have come out in the past few years, and seemed that the only reason it was made is because they knew that the other movies did well financially so again people will pay money to see this movie.
Then I started viewing this movie from a feminist point of view. There were only two female characters, but they don't really talk to each other, but rather were the former and current lover of the main character, Tony Stark. Also, in the end the woman is weak and in danger and must be saved by Iron Man.
What do you think? Do so many theorist only apply too well to current movies and popular culture.

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