Thursday, May 16, 2013

White Late Night? Said who?

Okay, getting going, check out or read this article it's a short little stub with some highlighted twitter-responses: 

(from NPR) Which Comedians Of Color Should Be Late-Night TV Stars?

What it basically explains, or deals with, is that for the tv-comedian-producing factory that is Saturday Night Live, the cast isn't just largely white, it's dominated by white people. And that largely, anyone of a different, or other ethnicity is brought on and asked to play impressions or caricatures of famous ethnic people or famous ethnic stereotypes. They, use a few brief examples, but for the most part keep it low-key, before asking the cheapest question of all time: now that we know it's a racially subjugating institution, who should be the next "comedian of color"?

It takes a bit to get going—it turns out Second Stage is pretty white too.
From here people bounce around names, a hand full of the sketches also dealing in race, and racial stereotypes.

I can't help but think about Said's Orientalism and his structures for other-ism. The way that these actors are reduced from being someone, or possessing some trait, and are instead characterized by being not-white. It's not that important what their actual racial origin is, or whether they Identify with that grouping, are proponents of such agendas, etc. Rather it matters only that they are different, and that they are defined by the difference. Okay, now that I've been all heavy handed and prescriptive, thoughts? Do you find that non-white actors get treated like, well, non-white actors? Defined by negation? Does this same thing happen to native cultures? To women in media? What would Gunn Allen, or De Beauvoir say?

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